How to View Friends on Reddit

Reddit is fun, right? You can say whatever you want without worrying about being criticized. No one knows who you are (unless you tell them), so you have the freedom to be whoever you want.

You can also make friends there and tell them your deepest secrets because what’s on Reddit stays on Reddit. Now, how can you make friends on Reddit? How do you see who your friends are?

If you’re using the Reddit app on your mobile device, you’ll find a hamburger icon in the top-left corner of the screen. Click on it and the menu will appear.

The process is simple, but we’ll go over it in more detail if you want some clarification.

How to see friends on Reddit?

Reddit is not a social platform, but rather an online platform that promotes openness and vulnerability without revealing the person behind it, so adding friends on Reddit is not the same as adding friends on Facebook.

You do not need to communicate with other Reddit users. This is not the goal. People who come to Reddit want to talk, see other people’s perspectives, get answers, provide answers, and be heard.

This platform was not created to grow a fan base or make friends. It was created to help people talk openly about things they might be criticized for or feel ashamed of.

Currently, there is no option to add someone as a friend on the platform.

You can just follow them. If you want to see the full list of Reddit users you follow, here are the steps to follow:

  • If you’re on a computer, go to and click the drop-down menu next to the Reddit logo in the upper-left corner of the screen.
  • If you’re using the Reddit app on your mobile device, tap the hamburger icon (three horizontal lines) in the upper left corner.


People use many other online forums to talk openly about what’s bothering them, but Reddit is one of the most popular. You can remain anonymous on Reddit, which is why many people want to be on this platform.

For example, if Facebook detects that you are faking your identity, it may ban your account. But this is not the case on Reddit. But if you don’t see any problem with people knowing who you are, you can link your social media accounts.