Why Is Facebook Using So Much Data?

One of the reasons why Facebook is one of the most popular apps on the market is that its developers have mastered the art of making users addicted to scrolling through their timelines.

While the above isn’t necessarily a bad thing, you can run out of data quickly if you’re using the app.

So, why does Facebook use so much data?

A review of Facebook’s high data usage

If you use mobile data to connect to the Internet, you probably check your data usage statistics every time. Facebook is among the best users.

Although there are many contributing factors such as your device settings and service provider, the main reasons are undoubtedly:

Facebook automatically plays all videos in HD quality so the data is extracted.
Facebook uploads and uploads all of your photos and videos to your timeline at the highest resolution your device can support.
Facebook’s response to users complaining about high data usage was to offer a Facebook mode accessible to all Android users, which doesn’t use a lot of data.

After selecting this feature, you can select “Text Only” mode, which means you can see all text and captions but not videos and images.

If you are tired of seeing only texts, all you have to do is tap on the “View Images” option at the top right of your screen to return to normal mode.

How do you control the amount of data Facebook uses?

Mobile data may not seem like a huge expense, but the moment you add up the amount you spend in an entire month, you’ll realize it’s expensive.

This is why many people choose to connect to Wi-Fi.

Here are some ways you can reduce the amount of data Facebook uses.

Method 1: Disable the video autoplay feature.

As mentioned above, one of the main reasons why Facebook uses so much mobile data is that it plays videos automatically.

Here’s how to disable the feature in question:

  • Open the Facebook app on your mobile device.
  • Click on the Menu tab.
  • Click on the settings icon at the top.
  • Select “Profile Settings” and then tap “Media & Contacts.”
  • Under “Autoplay,” select “Never play videos automatically.”

Method 2: Turn on data saving mode

Facebook users can reduce the amount of data used by Facebook by using data saving mode.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Open the Facebook app on your mobile device.
  • Click on the menu tab in the right corner.
  • Click on the “Settings & Privacy” option.
  • Select “Use Cellular Data”.
  • Under “Video Quality,” select the “Data Saver” option.
  • Remember to turn this feature off when you are connected to a WIFI network.


Most people these days are social media users, especially Facebook. As an avid Facebook user, it’s normal to feel like you’re running out of data very quickly.

We hope this article provides the perfect solution to save you from spending a lot of money on mobile data because of an app.